Principality Stadium Seating Plans

Principality Stadium Floor Plans and Seating Layouts

Check for Premier League tickets at Principality Stadium

Check for Champions League tickets at Principality Stadium

Views from Seat Blocks at Principality Stadium

Where are the best seats at Principality Stadium?

From the ratings submitted, Seat Blocks at Principality Stadium have been given an average rating of 4.1 out of 5. This is how our site users rate the seat blocks at Principality Stadium. Seat block M33 gets the best rating at Principality Stadium. Click for more information.

Since opening in June 1999, Principality Stadium has welcomed, on average, over 1.3 million visitors per year. The stadium has the first fully-retractable roof in the UK and is at the leading edge as a multi-purpose, multi-faceted event venue for sport and other entertainment events.

Safety at the Principality Stadium

The The expertise and experience of safety stewards, police, doctors, paramedics and members of the St John's Ambulance Service are important ingredients in the safety management plan of the Principality Stadium. The successful implementation of this plan however depends to a very large extent on the co-operation of you the spectator and all other Stadium users.

Seating Configuration at the Principality Stadium

Seat blocks closest to the action are numbered from L1 at the North-East corner to L42. In the second tier seat blocks are numbered from M1 in the North-East corner to M38 in the North-west corner. In the North Stand, seat blocks are numbered from N1 - N4. The top tier of seating has blocks numbered from U1 in the North-East corner to U38 in the North-West corner and N1 - N4 in the North Stand.


Principality Stadium is an 'all-seater' Stadium and standing during matches or other events is not permitted. Spectators should remain seated at all times and not obstruct the view of others especially when things get exciting!

Principality Stadium Address

St Mary Street
South Glamorgan
CF10 1GE