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From the ratings submitted, Seat Blocks at Old Trafford have been given an average rating of 3.8 out of 5. This is how our site users rate the seat blocks at Old Trafford. Seat block 121 gets the best rating at Old Trafford. Click for more information.
The Old Trafford pitch is surrounded by four covered all-seater stands, officially known as the Sir Alex Ferguson (North), East, South and West Stands. Each stand has at least two tiers, with the exception of the South Stand, which only has one tier due to construction restrictions. The lower tier of each stand is split into Lower and Upper sections, the Lower sections having been converted from terracing in the early 1990s.
It is common practice for some disabled supporters to approach the stadium using a wheelchair and leave it in the secure hands of the St Johns Ambulance/reception team once inside the stadium. Your wheelchair will be kept safe before, during and after the game upon request.
We currently do not have any events listed at Old Trafford, please click on a seating plan for more information about seat locations at Old Trafford.
Sir Matt Busby Way
M16 0RA